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Organizers of "Battle of the Nations"think of standardization of tournaments according to HMB format. Later, this coalition would invade France (1814), forcing him into exile to the Italian island of Elba. In fact, following the Battle of the Nations, the French emperor was driven out of Germany. The information was conveyed byAnton… David Nickel, Germany: “We are strong as a team” The Battle of the Nations claimed around 100,000 lives and marked one of Napoleon’s greatest defeats. Paid for mostly by donations and the city of Leipzig, it was completed in 1913 for the 100th anniversary of the battle at a cost of six million goldmarks. The Monument to the Battle of the Nations (German: Völkerschlachtdenkmal, sometimes shortened to Völki ) is a monument in Leipzig, Germany, to the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of the Nations.